Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Water Water Everywhere!

Braxton loves the water and he has started splashing them laughing at himself!!!! it is so cute to watch how exciting life is to him!


Jed and Leona said...

Hey girl, you need to update this blog...i want to see pictures of your cute boy! i'd like to also know what's going on with you guys too. love you guys...we MIGHT be coming down to visit in about a week...MIGHT.

Janelle Ehat said...

Melissa! He is SOOOOO adorable!! I just noticed a link to your blog on Leona's and I'm so glad I found it! What a handsome little buddy boy!! And you look amazing too! I'll be on here now all the time checking up on you guys. I'm what Katie Bindrup (Shwendiman) calls a "blog stocker". I will go on people's blog sometimes on a daily basis to see what they're up to and see their pictures and all that, but I won't talk to them or see them for ages. So be aware that you're being blog stocked! Make it juicy and the pictures cute!!

Gates & Tausha said...

SISTER HEALY! (I couldn't resist)...found your blog through Jill's....SO neat to see you and your sweet family!!! happy things are going well for you!! :) (This is Tausha Townsend...aka Sister Stringham) :) You still singin? Hope so. ;) We have a blog, but it's private, so email me if you'd like to come check it out!! ....AWESOME to see ya through the blog...:) Happy Thanksgiving!