Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Quick update!

Ok, I know it has been forever. we have been so busy with everything and I havn't been feeling good so it kept getting pushed to the last thing on our stack of things to do. I wanted to get this at least up to date and then post pictures once we get them off our camera. Well, I am Pregnant again and due March 23rd. I am excited and we just found out that this one is going to be a GIRL!! we are pretty excited about that. I was pretty sick at first and didn't gain much weight until last month. I still started to show quite early though and have a feeling I will be quite big towards the end of this.

We also Moved!!!! we moved into a different appartment and hopefully will be here until Matthew finishes school and then who knows where after that. We moved into a new Ward which has been hard because we had a wonderful ward, but it has been fun to get to know some new people and experience some new things. Matthew and I were both in Primary in the old ward and the week after we got there Matthew got called to teach in primary again. He teaches the 10 year olds now instead of the 9 years olds! so Matthew is going on 2 years in Primary now. I am still the Stake ASL interpreter coordinator. I love my calling. They probably wont give me much of a calling in the ward least not a sunday calling ebcause I am gone so much doing that.

Matthew is almost done with this semester at school and can't wait for a break! he did summer school this last summer so hasn't had a break for a long time. Next semester he has a bunch of political science classes and possibly a history class. honestly we can't wait until he is totally done but we know it is worth the time he is putting in.

hopefully I will get some pictures up soon. here is one of me and one of braxton. both are from about a month and a half ago!!! The one's of Braxton are his first attempt to feed himself yogurt!! it was fun!


Janelle Ehat said...

Congrats!! That's so exciting!! I'm so happy for you guys! I'm glad you are feeling better and doing well!

Oklahoma said...

Congratulations. Just to let you know this is Thomas. If you ever want to check out my blog it is